Time to Un'wine'd

This blue zone tip is something that I currently do not follow due to my pregnant state.  Honestly, it is something that I have never followed but the research is clear that red wine is good for your health.  Maybe one day I will grow to like and appreciate red wine and get to reap its benefits, but for now I'll just have to relay the information to you and trust the research.

Here are tips from Dan Buettner, author of "The Blue Zones":

Sella & Mosca Cannonau di Sardegna Riserva 2007
Sardinian Cannonau Wine is what Dan Buettner recommends.

My tip:
  • If you are like me and not an alcohol drinker but still want the benefits of red wine, consider taking the supplement resveratrol.  It is the same chemical in red wine that seems to help prolong life expectancy.  Always do your research first before taking supplements.
Wine is like dark chocolate; it may be good for you but don't overdo it.  I think a big part of why this blue zone tip works is the unwind factor--it helps you relax and let go of some stress, which can be harmful to your health (this will be another blue zone post in the near future).  More blue zone tips to come!  Here are some previous blue zone posts: