1 a Week

Ok, so if you have been following my blog you would know that I had a baby 2 months ago.  You would also know that I don't believe in "diets" but in healthy lifestyles.  However, I do believe in goals.  Realistic goals.  Healthy goals.

I will be open and honest with you about my goal.  I usually don't like to share these things because that means I will have let you and myself down if I don't reach the goal.  This blog post is not just all about me, but I hope it will have a few helpful thoughts for you, because I know I am not the only one in such a position.

In 17 weeks exactly from the time I am writing this, it will be my birthday.  Gracelyn will be exactly 6 months old on that day.  According to the scale as of this morning, I have exactly 17 lbs. to lose.  My goal:  17 lbs in 17 weeks.  Here are a few thoughts on this goal:

Having these 2 precious ones in my life is worth every single pound that was gained.  However, I choose to take responsibility for my choices and my lifestyle and not blame them for not being able to fit into my jeans.