Sugar Season

This is the start of the sugar season, where we eat candy because it's Halloween, pie because it's Thanksgiving, and cookies because it's Christmas.  It's the beginning of a two month period where we justify eating ridiculous amounts of sugar because we're supposed to...and because it's all around us.

My philosophy has always been that special treats are OK in moderation, so don't worry--I am not telling you to refrain from all things with sugar.  However, I am encouraging you to demonstrate self-control, because it will be a damaging two months if you don't.  There is a good read on sugar entitled, "Sweet Stuff" that I encourage you to look at for more information on how sugars and sweeteners affect your health.  Food is a great way to celebrate and socialize, however, when one is not able to say no and it begins to control him or her, then it is a problem.

Here's what trick-or-treaters get this year at our house.  In my opinion, they are still special treats (because my kids don't eat snacks like these all the time), but they don't have as much sugar.  A standard pack of M&M's has 30 grams of sugar, where one granola bar has 7 grams and a Rice Krispies Treat has 8 grams.  Don't feel bad for these kids, they will get plenty of candy elsewhere.  I don't feel the need to be the coolest house on the block...and the kids that come to our door get glow sticks and juice boxes too.

Lightning McQueen and Sally from Cars.